
Written By Plastic Bank (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 4th, 2024

Stopping Ocean Plastic

The act of removing the likelihood of plastic entering the ocean.

Collection Community

A community of registered Plastic Bank collection members and branches that help collect ocean-bound plastic.  

Collection Community Member

A registered member of the collection community that helps collect ocean-bound plastic.

Collection Branch

A Plastic Bank-certified location where collection community members can verify and exchange their plastic collection. They may also perform preprocessing such as cleaning, sorting, and bailing. 

Market Value

The price at which buyers and sellers would trade a certain type of plastic in a competitive auction setting.

Collection Benefits

Benefits earned by collection communities, including health, work and life insurance, digital connectivity, grocery vouchers, school supplies, and fintech services that improve lives. 

Social Plastic® feedstock

Recycled ocean-bound plastic feedstock that is reprocessed and reintegrated into products and packaging by Plastic Bank partner organizations and brands for positive social, environmental, and economic impact.   

PlasticBank® app (formerly Alchemy)

Plastic Bank’s proprietary blockchain-secured platform that enables traceable collection, secures income, and verifies reporting.

Social Plastic® Processor

A processing facility that recycles ocean-bound plastic into Social Plastic® feedstock for reuse in products and packaging.