Adding a Branch Inventory

Written By Plastic Bank Support (Collaborator)

Updated at September 19th, 2022

Step by Step

  1. From your main profile, click the icon on the top left corner
  2. Select your branch account
  3. From your branch account profile, select the bottles logo in the bottom left corner
  4. Click add on the top right corner
  5. Select category of material, e.g. Plastic
  6. Select type of material, e.g. PET
  7. Select Condition of the material, e.g. clean
  8. Select colours of the material, e.g. mixed
  9. Select measurement units, e.g. Kilograms
  10. Add current inventory if you previously already collected that material
  11. Add price per kg of that material
  12. Click "add" on the top right corner
  13. You are successfully created material. You can change the details anytime, and you can add more material as well.