How to register as a Plastic Bank member?

Written By Plastic Bank (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 26th, 2022

You can sign up as a Plastic Bank member by following these steps:

  1. Download and install PlasticBank® app from Google Play Store (Android) or Play Store (iOS)
  2. Open the PlasticBank® app and choose “Create Now” 
  3. Click the “Nation Code” section, then select your country
  4. Put your active phone number and then hit the “Next” button
  5. Create your password (minimum 6 characters containing number or alphabet)
  6. Re-confirm your password by entering the same password you created before
  7. Fill in your personal information:
            a. Nation/Country
            b. Email (optional)
            c. Date of birth
            d. Gender
  8. Tick the box to ensure you are over 13 years old
  9. Double-check your personal information and then hit the “Next” button
  10. Click “Connect” if you want to connect your Plastic Bank account to your Facebook account. You can skip this step by pressing the “Finish” button
  11. There will be a pop-up box about the phone number verification, press “OK” to continue 
  12. The verification code will be sent via SMS to your registered phone number 
  13. Input the code sent via SMS into your PlasticBank® app and then press “Apply”
  14. Congratulations, now you are a Plastic Bank member!