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What is Plastic Bank’s operational time?
Plastic Bank' s office opens during business hours from Monday to Friday, from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM local time. Plastic Bank collection branches may have different operational times based on their location. You can check their operational times on the PlasticBank® app in the collection branch section: Open the PlasticBank® app Click “Find Nearest” ...
0 min reading timeWhat is the Ocean Plastic Crisis?
When talking of plastic pollution, the first thing we tend to think of is a marine waste. And for a good reason: most of the current plastic waste originates from the land, and if improperly discarded ends up in the rivers that carry it to the oceans. Indeed, every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste escape into the oceans from coastal natio...
0 min reading timeWhat About Alternatives to Plastic?
Every day, we see new plastic alternatives and initiatives being introduced, ranging from paper shopping bags to incentives to promote re-using, whenever possible. So many, that one would think that plastic alternatives could be an effective solution to plastic pollution. However, each plastic alternative needs to be reused numerous times to have a...
0 min reading timeThe Biodegradability of Plastic
We hear a lot about biodegradable plastics, nowadays. Some of you may have even bought this “magic” plastic that ideally could be thrown in your composter together with your leftovers. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. What is biodegradable plastic made of? Can it really biodegrade? And finally, can plastics ever>truly be environmentally fri...
0 min reading timeUnderstanding Marine Litter
Featured Image Only a small portion of marine plastic is found at the surface of the oceans, with the majority sinking to greater depths of the seafloor. Plastics consistently make up 60 to 90% of all marine debris studied and have been found in 100% of marine turtles, 59% of whales, 36% of seals, and 40% of seabird species examined. Most of us don’...
0 min reading timeMicroplastics
What are microplastics and where do they come from? As it turns out, tiny pieces of plastic, less than five millimeters (0.2 inches) in diameter, can be found all around us! Called microplastics, they originate from cosmetic products, breakdown of larger plastics, clothing, etc. So, they come from pretty much anything considering that plastic is eve...
0 min reading timeA Water Bottle's Life Cycle
Have you ever wondered what happens to the millions of plastic bottles used every day? In this video, you will follow the scenarios that your water bottle can possibly encounter after it is tossed away. As we saw in the video, the first bottle, like the majority, ends up in a landfill. From there, its toxic components are transported to the soil...
0 min reading timeA Fourth Lifecycle
So, our plastic bottle could: End up in a landfill Accumulate in the ocean Be properly recycled OR, it could be turned into new ENERGY! How does this happen? And why is this NOT the best solution for plastic pollution? There are different types of waste-to-energy systems, such as incineration (just burning plastic waste), gasification (turning plast...
0 min reading timeExperiment with Biodegradable Plastics
Are we helping the environment when we use a biodegradable plastic grocery bag then? Let’s find out! Researchers from the University of Plymouth examined the degradation of biodegradable plastic bags in the environments where they could potentially end up if discarded as litter: air, soil, and sea. Results show that bags that were buried in the s...
0 min reading timeWhat is Bioplastic?
Science is constantly evolving to create an army of solutions to the new challenges we face every day. In the context of plastic pollution, scientists have created a plant based polymer, PLA. Ok…so what is PLA? And, if it is really a biodegradable, completely plant-based material, why aren’t we using it more than traditional plastic? PLA is derive...
0 min reading time